!% -SD !% +include_path=/usr/local/lib/inform/deform !========= Constant Story "Hallo Welt!"; Constant Headline "^Ein interaktives ~Hallo Welt!~-Beispiel ^von Hennes Märtins.^"; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; !====== ! The Game Objects Object the_room "Der einzige Raum" with description "Du befindest dich im einzigen Raum dieses Spiels.", has light; Object -> sign "Schild" with description "Du liest diesen Text: ~Hallo Welt!~", name 'Schild', after [; Examine: deadflag = 2; ], has static; !===== ! Entry Point Routines [ Initialise; location = the_room; ]; !==== ! Standard and extended grammar Include "GermanG";